Rose grounds
- Introduction
- Rose ground
- Sunny stitch
- Slavic ground
- Ants
- Stretched Paris ground
- Rose ground in a diamond
- Alternative placings
On this page several variants of the rose ground.
The variants with an extra stitch in the middle can be found on page bias grounds.
A zip file with more than 2000 rose ground variants can be downloaded here.
Rose ground
Sunny stitch
This stitch is created with a little loop at the sides of the rose ground. To obtain this, an onorthodox stitch is used at the sides of the unit. The examples below all use the same unit, but these units are connected in different ways. The colour white means: crcllcrc on the left and clcrrclc on the right side of the unit.
Slavic ground
Ants came to life as a variation of the Slavic ground. The result looks like ants. Please note that in some examples there are no twists between the cross only and whole stitch at the pins.
Stretched Paris ground
These examples came to life as variations on a rose-ground with “do nothing (much)” on the left and right. Please see the resemblance with the Paris ground.
Rose ground in a diamond
By putting the traditional rose ground unit in a diamond, little stars can be made.
Please note: when making the actual lace, it will make a big difference if the unit in the middle is made torchon-style or flemish-style, as the picture illustrates. Example 1 looks like a star.
Alternative placings
The ground on the right can also be obtain as a Droste on Paris ground
Take a non-symmetrical rose ground unit, move one of the pins to the middle, and place this unit in alternating directions. Please note, the generated thread diagram displays the moved pin in the original position.