Diagrams for Bobbin Lace

GroundForge: help pages



To err is human, for a real mess you need a computer.

On this page some images of the mess that came along during development of the site.


busy bobbins

Download, extend the forces in [docs/js/show-graph.js] with something like

.force("collide", d3.forceCollide(10).strength(10).iterations(30))

and try docs/index.html.


tipped over pillow

Same download, try repeated twists for the first thread diagram in the page docs/recursive.html then show the second thread diagram.


unfolding wave

Not really a blooper, but a delicate balance between pattern, forces and interaction such as zooming during animation.


rotational blurr

Try to drag or paint threads with Internet Explorer version 11. On the left with download on the right with the next.


swimming boobins With download, note the draggable option. Click/tap on one of the bobbins and they swim away.